August 17, 2011

The Word of the Day is Optimism!

I know, I know, motivation! Optimism!! I'm a big cheese ball. Didn't I ever tell you guys, I'm totally sappy?!
Well, I'm at a point where these very very cheesy concepts are really helpful to me. They make my day to day life a little better. My days have themes and it cheers me up, gives me a focus I suppose.

The word for TODAY is Optimism, because today is the day my boyfriend goes into his first interview (AND wishful thinking here ONLY) since losing his job. It is at a very nice establishment and we're both very excited, and hopeful that he gets the job. The pay is also a lot better than his last position so we're crossing our fingers.

Today I will be thinking happy thoughts, keeping the future in mind, and trying to be optimistic for the outcome of the day!! My mothers gardens will be in my thoughts as well, as I am praying the animals don't think I cleared them a giant poo-box.

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